General Moderators : General Mods generally manage the forum's layout on specific sections whose mods they are. This includes :-
1) Locking, moving, sticking, announcing, bumping and editing threads.
2) Edit member groups of a member - So that they can add members to a faction in the absence of a Faction Leader.
3) Edit profiles of a member - So that they can change the Display Name of a member.
4) Edit Plugins, Headers and footers - So that they can change the World Map and some miscellaneous changes through the plugins.
5) Can see invisible members.
6) They cannot access the private faction boards unless they a member of that faction.
Roleplay Moderators : Roleplay Mods manage the roleplay's workings, disputes and abuse of roleplay rules in the
RolePlay Moderation section. The Roleplay Mods are the Faction Leaders of the six factions. They don't have any moderation powers outside the Roleplay.